The Theory of Evolution and Observable Change in Animals
The theory of evolution, simply put, suggests that very simple life arose spontaneously from components in the ocean. These simple life forms got more complex and better suited to life in response to pressure from the environment. That means, the tough survive and reproduce, the weak die out. The characteristics of the population change over time in this way. Then, through spontaneous mutations, new forms arose, and they were even better suited to the environment, and they out-ate, out-bred and out-lived the others, who died out.
Some of this does happen. In England a certain type of moth that was dark gray, hung out on the sooty surfaces of stone buildings. The birds couldn’t see them, so they were safe. The poor moth who was unlucky enough to be born white got gobbled up, and obviously didn’t reproduce and pass on its DNA. Soon they were all gray. Then, London cleaned up its act. The smokestacks stopped belching smoke, the buildings got cleaned up, and uh oh! the gray moths were very visible against the light colored buildings. Then the white moths had a better chance of surviving, and soon the entire population was white!
So, animal populations do change in response to their environment. But, the animals themselves don’t change. If I spend all day reaching for things on high shelves, I won’t grow longer arms. If, however, the only food available to my family is up on the top shelf, then the only family members that will survive are the tall ones! The tall ones marry tall ones and have tall children.
So what’s the problem with evolution? Sounds like it should work. Here’s the rub. Although animal and plants have changed over time (and there are lots of undeniable examples) nobody has any evidence of one animal becoming another, or one species changing into a completely different one. And that would certainly be necessary for humans to arise from protoplasm! Lots of animals seem to be connected by a similar ancestor, but just because two things look alike doesn’t mean they are relatives! There simply are too many gaps in what is called the fossil record, a supposed timeline of evolution. We don’t find a whole series of fossils showing one animal changing into another. Instead we see animals appearing in the record completely formed and ideally suited to their environment! Wow! Sounds like what would happen if a Creator was making them!
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